
What Is A Gastric Sleeve Pouch Reset? – The Basics

A Person's Hand Holding Excess Belly Fat

It’s possible to lose weight very quickly after a gastric sleeve in Tijuana. However, avoiding weight regain is also important. If you’re concerned about stomach stretching or weight gain after your bariatric surgery, then this article is for you.

There are a couple of different ways to prevent yourself from gaining weight again. For instance you can do a 5 day pouch reset or even a 10 day method. Many patients choose this gastric sleeve pouch reset approach for a variety of reasons.

So in this article, let’s discuss what a bariatric pouch reset is and how you can use it to avoid weight fluctuations and weight gain.

Additional Reading: How You Can Manage Your Cravings After Weight Loss Surgery

What Is A Bariatric Pouch Reset?

Your stomach is an organ and also a muscle. When your stomach is empty, it’s about the size of a fist. However, it can stretch in order to hold additional liquids and foods.

In fact, it can grow to 75 times its original size. It stretches when you eat large amounts of food and then it shrinks once the food has been passed into your digestive tract.

Bariatric surgery is an effective weight loss procedure. However, your stomach will continue to stretch and contract after undergoing this procedure.


Rugae is a type of tissue fold in your stomach. This is what contracts and expands. When you eat more than you should, the rugae stretches. If too much food passes through the rugae, then your stomach may not return to the normal size afterwards.

This means your stomach gets used to more foods, causing you to eat more in order to feel hungry or full. A gastric pouch reset is one way to return your stomach back to the normal size it was before.

This way, you’ll reduce how much food you need to eat to feel content. Obviously a bariatric surgeon can help you with this tactic and you should consult one before considering it.

How Does A Bariatric Pouch Reset Work?

How does a pouch reset work? When you reset your bariatric pouch, you restrict your food intake. You eat similarly to when you have just had weight loss surgery.

It typically lasts around 7-10 days. You should consult a dietician and your bariatric surgeon for guidance during this period.

The way it works varies depending on the patient. Here’s a general guideline of the list of foods for each day / period:

Day 1.

Water. Clear liquids. Broth. Sugar-free Jell-O. Coffee. Decaf. Popsicles (sugar-free).

Day 2 and 3.

Watered-down applesauce. Sugar-free ice cream. Zero-sugar juice. Watered-down oatmeal. Thinned soups. Nonfat, non-sugar yogurt. Noodle soup. Sugar-free pudding. Protein powder.

Day 4-6.

Hummus. Low-fat cottage cheese. Almond milk. Pureed food. Eggs. Sour cream. Canned corn. Eggs. Soups.

Day 7-9.

Soft cheeses. Steamed vegetables. Nonfat cereals. Scrambled eggs. Tuna or salmon. Soups. Bananas.

Day 10 and beyond.

Eat healthy food while slowly incorporating other foods. Drink liquids for the most part. Eat slowly and chew well. Fruits are okay.

Is A Sleeve Pouch Reset Really Effective?

After reading the requirements for a bariatric pouch reset, you’ve probably realized that this is not some kind of too-good-to-be-true method. You’re going to have to make some sacrifices.

But focusing on eating the right kinds of foods and liquids during a reset is incredibly effective. It mimics the kind of diet that you would eat just after having your bariatric surgery.

Because of this reason, your stomach won’t expand as much. Therefore, your tissue can contract back to a more normal size. But just like anything, with long-term health, it can take a little bit of time.

However, understand that this reset method is not a cure-all. You still need to restrict caloric intake. So, for instance, if you’re eating the right types of foods but eating way too much of them, you’re still going to gain weight.

At the end of the day, weight gain is caused by consuming more calories than your body burns off. So during this period, keep your long-term goals in mind. Eat with your health and weight as an overall goal.

While it may be uncomfortable, you can reset your pouch doing this. And again, make sure to consult with qualified bariatric experts when doing any kind of bariatric pouch reset.

Bariatric Reset – Pouch Method

When it comes to a weight loss reset, this is a strategy that you should consider very carefully. Proper bariatric surgeons can help you understand the benefits and best practices.

That way, you can keep the weight off for good after your surgery. So Contact ALO Bariatrics and find out what your options are today – including a gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana and more.

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Bariatric Surgeries

Looking to lose weight? ALO Bariatrics offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical weight loss treatment plans. Contact us today at (619) 653-6739.