How To Manage Your Self-Esteem after Bariatric Surgery

How To Manage Your Self-Esteem After Bariatric Surgery

Obesity impacts an individual’s self-perception and self-esteem. Self-esteem is defined as the belief one has about themselves as being worthy of being loved and admired. It is being able to appreciate yourself for who you are and valuing all that you’re good at. As humans, we have a tendency to only focus on the negative things about our lives and convince ourselves that we don’t deserve what we have.

An obese person is more likely to have low self-esteem which translates into feelings of shame about his body. Having high self-esteem is healthy as it can help you make decisions that are not only good for your body; it’s also good for your overall well-being. You have to believe that you have everything you need to succeed in your quest to lose weight and live a healthy life.

How to manage your self-esteem post-bariatric surgery

  1. Maintain a positive attitude before the surgery: Having positive thoughts before the surgery will help you build your self-confidence and appreciation for your body.
  2. Join a support group post-surgery: A support group has people who are going through the same experience as you. Being in a support group allows you to meet new people, get beneficial advice, witness success, and even make new friends.
  3. Get together with family and friends: after undergoing weight loss surgery in Mexico, it’s important that you get together with family and friends. Having people who are part of your support system will help you emotionally and also help you manage your self-esteem.
  4. Give yourself a pep talk: Positive self-talk is beneficial in helping you build your self-confidence. Take a look at yourself in the mirror and repeatedly tell yourself that you’re beautiful until it’s second nature to you. Just remind yourself of those positive thoughts to help you deal with any body image issues after weight loss.

Your self-esteem can affect how you feel about pregnancy after bariatric surgery. Being able to find your self-worth and having healthy self-esteem post-surgery will help you become stronger and more confident in having a child.

Healthy living is about being healthy not only on the outside but also on the inside. It has everything to do with your attitude as much as it is about your eating habits and exercise habits. In your quest to manage your self-esteem after weight loss surgery in Tijuana, talk to your healthcare provider about any other suggestions that can help you attain your weight loss goals.

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Bariatric Surgeries

Looking to lose weight? ALO Bariatrics offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical weight loss treatment plans. Contact us today at (619) 653-6739.