Tips for Traveling After Weight Loss Surgery

Tips For Traveling After Weight Loss Surgery

Many individuals who have undergone weight loss surgery in Tijuana Mexico worry about their ability to be able to travel for work or pleasure. You will only be successful in your weight loss journey if you’re able to stay on track with your new routine. This can be very challenging when traveling and below are tips you can use to stay on track:

Guide to Traveling After Weight Loss Surgery

Keep tracking your nutrition

You must keep track of everything you consume and ensure that you follow the nutrition plan as provided by your doctor. Since your diet progression stages after bariatric surgery are sensitive, keeping track of what you consume will help you stay accountable.

Find a way to exercise

Post-op exercise is very helpful for your healing process and in helping you with the weight loss goals. When making hotel reservations, look for one with a gym or one that has a gym nearby. You can also take walks or jog in the available parks if any. You can also swim, hike, bike, or even kayaking. Organize your schedule in a manner that will allow you to exercise.

Pack healthy foods

Whether you’re in a car, plane, or train, pack healthy snacks that are high in protein and low in carbs. If that’s not possible, visit the nearby market the moment you get to your station and shop for healthy options.

Carry along with your post-op supplements

The prescribed supplements are meant to help get the extra nutrients needed by your body. You mustn’t leave them behind even as you do your packing.

Don’t skip breakfast

Most people tend to skip breakfast on their travels, especially when they’re in a rush or if they’re staying at a place that does not offer breakfast. Ensure that you have a breakfast that’s rich in proteins to help meet your protein goals. If you’re in a rush. prepare a grab and go breakfast the day before that has lean proteins, whole grains alongside fresh fruits and vegetables.

Get travel insurance

Buy sufficient travel insurance since some policies don’t cover any complications that might arise as you travel. Ensure that details on your insurance certificate indicate that you’re fully covered.

Considerations during your flight

When making flight bookings, book aisle seats or one with enough legroom as it will allow you to do some leg exercises to minimize the chances of getting a blood clot. You can also wear compression stockings.

Traveling after bariatric surgery shouldn’t be something to worry you as long as you plan well. Early planning will help you get the most of your travels.

Picture of Bariatric Surgeries
Bariatric Surgeries

Looking to lose weight? ALO Bariatrics offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical weight loss treatment plans. Contact us today at (619) 653-6739.