The Importance of Hydration After Weight Loss Surgery

The Importance Of Hydration After Weight Loss Surgery

Once you have weight loss surgery in Tijuana, your whole life changes. The pounds start dropping, your energy starts rising, and you gain back the confidence you once had.

Of course, there are other changes—ones that are central to your success. Most important is the post-bariatric surgery diet.

Remember: Diet Isn’t Just Food

Yes, after Mexico lap band surgery and other bariatric procedures, you will need to change the way you eat. Certain foods will be off limits, you will need to restrict your calories, and you’ll break up what you eat over the course of the day to prevent stretching the stomach. But it isn’t all about food.

The post-surgery diet also needs to center around hydration. In fact, this is just as important as food intake, if not more. How does staying hydrated help after weight loss surgery?

  • When the stomach is full, even with water, you feel less hungry; this is the importance of water for weight loss.
  • Water helps the bowels move properly.
  • Hydrated tissues eliminate toxins more easily.
  • A hydrated body heals better and has more energy; dehydration after surgery is very risky.

However, after Tijuana bariatric surgery, it is easier to get dehydrated than before. This is because the reduced stomach size makes it harder to drink a lot at once, and many people forget to drink throughout the day. Signs that you are not drinking enough water include:

  • Fatigue
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Difficult concentrating
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Dry skin and eyes
  • Feelings of hunger

Not All Fluids Are Equal

While drinking liquids is essential, not all of them will get the job done. Certain beverages should actually be avoided during the recovery period and limited overall. These include:

  • Carbonated Beverages: They lack nutritional value, cause painful gas, and often contain calories that hinder weight loss.
  • Caffeinated Beverages: Most sodas and teas, as well as coffee, contain caffeine. This is known to irritate the stomach.
  • Alcoholic Drinks: These are often filled with sugar and empty calories, and alcohol can cause stomach ulcers as well.

While the optimal water intake for weight loss will vary between individuals, your bariatric surgeon should create a schedule for you that outlines how much water drink, when to drink it, and how many minutes to place between your drinks and your meals. To learn more about hydration after bariatric surgery, contact ALO Bariatrics.

Picture of Bariatric Surgeries
Bariatric Surgeries

Looking to lose weight? ALO Bariatrics offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical weight loss treatment plans. Contact us today at (619) 653-6739.