Lifestyle Changes after Lap Band Surgery

Woman Holding A Tray With Two Burgers

Lap band surgery is a type of non-invasive bariatric surgery that involves the placing of a silicone band around your stomach to make it smaller. A smaller stomach means that you will experience feelings of satiety faster and will therefore consume less food. Should you consume more food, you will end up vomiting and this will discourage you from overeating. When compared to other forms of bariatric surgeries, lap bands are reversible while the others are not. The cost of a lap band surgery in Mexico is very affordable since it’s not invasive.

What Lifestyle Changes After Bariatric Surgery Should I Make?

After undergoing lap band surgery in Mexico, there are some changes you will have to make to your diet and lifestyle if you want to achieve your weight loss goals. Besides helping you achieve your weight loss goals, these changes will also help prevent any complications that may arise. Immediately after the surgery, you will be required to follow the eating and drinking guideline provided by your healthcare provider. You will be put on a liquid diet for the first four days. This is to avoid putting pressure on the stomach as it adjusts. In the next six weeks, you will transition to taking protein shakes and small portions of food that’s been sliced in a food processor. You will be able to transition to whole foods after week twelve.

Dietary Changes After Lap-Band Surgery

While making dietary changes, it’s important to note that your new stomach can now only hold up to six ounces per meal. You will therefore be required to only consume smaller portions, taken in smaller bites, and chewed slowly. Ensure that you get at least 60 grams of protein daily. Your surgeon will provide you with instructions for how much protein you should eat. After transitioning to eating normal foods, there are some foods you will have to avoid as they cause complications or lead to discomfort. They include the following:

  • Fruits and vegetables that have thick skin such as apples and cucumbers
  • Tougher meats such as pork, veal, steak
  • Foods rich in high fiber such as sweet potatoes
  • Fried and spicy foods
  • Spices such as pepper, cinnamon, and onion salt
  • Oranges and grapefruits with the membrane still intact
  • Beverages such as coffee that are caffeinated should be avoided in the first three months
  • Carbonated drinks should be avoided as they lead to bloating and stomach expansion
  • Fruit seeds

Besides excluding the foods in eh above list, avoid high-calorie, high-fat foods instead; eat more foods with plenty of vitamins and minerals. The moment you feel a sense of fullness, stop eating because overeating can lead to weight gain. When you follow the guidelines of your doctor and make the necessary lifestyle changes, you will be able to love your body image after weight loss surgery in Mexico.

Picture of Bariatric Surgeries
Bariatric Surgeries

Looking to lose weight? ALO Bariatrics offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical weight loss treatment plans. Contact us today at (619) 653-6739.