The Definitive Guide to the Bariatric Keto Diet

The Definitive Guide To The Bariatric Keto Diet

It is important for an individual who has undergone bariatric surgery to maintain a healthy diet. The diet will help them in their weight loss goal besides helping the body to heal. Many individuals who have undergone bariatric surgery in Mexico are therefore considering various diets key among them the Keto diet. Bariatric Keto diet can easily help you lose weight very fast and it is important that you only embark on it with caution, under the guidance of your doctor.

What is the Keto diet?

This is a diet that is high in fat, has ample proteins, and is low on carbohydrates. It’s designed to help individuals achieve sustained weight loss. The reduction in the carbs consumed pushes the body to go into ketosis, a state where the body is forced to burn fats for energy. Weight loss surgery is designed to reduce the amount of food consumed and since the Keto diet allows one to only a small number of carbs, it will help one fulfill the post-surgery dietary requirements.

Keto diet after bariatric surgery

After undergoing bariatric surgery, you should only embark on a Keto diet under the guidance of your doctor. Both gastric sleeve and gastric bypass patients should follow the instructions of their healthcare provider. Below are some considerations you should make:

Establish your calorie requirements

You will need to start with a modified diet that will allow you to only consume 1000 calories as you will be guided by your doctor and based on your personal needs

Think about your macros

A person who has had bariatric surgery is unable to tolerate high fats in the days after the surgery. The diet should have more proteins in place of fats in the beginning and make the necessary changes over time.
Typically, a Keto diet is high in fats but as a bariatric patient, this can be modified as per your needs.

Pay attention to the foods you consume

Educate yourself on the Keto-friendly foods that are safe for you to consume. Here are some examples of foods based on their macronutrient profile:

  • Fats: These are key components in a ketogenic diet and you must prioritize foods that are rich in healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts, whole-fat dairy products, butter, coconut oil, and meats rich in fats such as fish.
  • Protein: Keto diets are low in proteins and with the guidance of your doctor, it can be modified to include higher amounts of proteins to help you build muscle mass and be fuller for longer. Protein-rich foods such as chicken, turkey, salmon, fatty cuts of meat, and eggs should be part of your diet.
  • Carbohydrates: Pay attention to the kind of vegetables you consume since some are high in carbohydrates. Vegetables such as cucumbers, mushrooms, bell peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, and asparagus are safe to consume. Avoid starchy foods, sweet fruits, and grains.

The difference between gastric bypass and liposuction is that a gastric bypass will offer you long term benefits as opposed to a liposuction. Learn more about it in this article: The difference between gastric bypass and liposuction.

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Bariatric Surgeries

Looking to lose weight? ALO Bariatrics offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical weight loss treatment plans. Contact us today at (619) 653-6739.