Do I Qualify for Weight Loss Surgery?

Qualification for Weight Loss Surgery

If you have struggled to lose weight with little success, you might be thinking of getting weight loss surgery. Your desire for bariatric surgery may be intensified if you have to deal with obesity-related health conditions like sleep apnea, problems with movement, or diabetes. One of the most common weight loss surgeries in the US is a gastric sleeve. It is a procedure where the stomach is divided so that you only use up to 25% of it. The result is reducing the amount of food you can eat so you can gradually lose weight.
Bariatric surgery is effective and beneficial to your health, so you might be wondering: who qualifies for gastric sleeve surgery?

Who is Eligible for Gastric Sleeve?

Gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico is often considered as a means of last resort for weight loss. Adults between the ages of 18 and 65 can be eligible for gastric sleeve surgery if they:

  • Have a BMI of 40 or higher.
  • Have at least six months of unsuccessful documented or supervised weight loss attempts.
  • Have a BMI of 35 or higher AND Have at least one medical condition caused by obesity.

While these are the general guidelines, the criteria for who is eligible for gastric sleeve surgery might vary based on your surgeon and your insurance. Many US citizens also opt to have their weight loss surgery in Mexico, Tijuana. The main appeal of Tijuana is the low cost of surgery compared to the US.

How to Prepare for Weight Loss Surgery in Mexico, Tijuana

Weight loss surgery is a big procedure, so aside from knowing how to qualify for gastric sleeve surgery, you need to be committed to making lifestyle changes before and after the surgery. Here are useful tips before surgery you can use:

  • Do your research to know everything you should expect if you qualify for gastric bypass surgery. Read books and blogs, attend conferences, and talk to people who’ve had the procedure before.
  • Reduce dependency on any drugs. This means you need to quit smoking tobacco, vastly reduce drinking alcohol, and stop taking recreational drugs.
  • Change your diet, increasing your intake of healthy protein, fruits, and vegetables. Work on reducing or completely eliminating your intake of fast foods and foods high in sugar and fats. The goal is to have your before bariatric surgery diet to mimic the healthy diet you will pursue after your weight loss surgery.
  • Drink a lot of water. You need to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day before and after the surgery. Take small sips of water throughout the day to reach this goal and avoid beverages like coffee, tea, energy drinks, and sodas.
  • Start exercising. You do not have to spend hours in the gym. Instead, start by taking short walks, even to walk your pet. There are also a lot of exercises you can do while on your back or seated. Do something you can sustain for a short time and whose duration and intensity you can increase over time.

People who have undergone gastric bypass surgery qualify for other methods that will help them reduce and keep off the weight. Always follow your physician’s instructions and the suggestions of your dietitian and personal trainer so you can experience lasting weight loss results after your surgery.

Picture of Bariatric Surgeries
Bariatric Surgeries

Looking to lose weight? ALO Bariatrics offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical weight loss treatment plans. Contact us today at (619) 653-6739.