How To Recognize The Symptoms Of A Gallbladder Attack

Symptoms Of A Gallbladder Attack

Having upper abdominal pain is often misattributed to a lot of possible things, and for most, this pain will not raise any alarm bells unless it’s particularly severe or prolonged. But, if you’re experiencing this pain, you may want to know if you’re having a gallbladder attack.

Gallbladder attacks have a myriad of possible culprits, but generally they’re caused by something obstructing the flow of bile. This obstruction can be life-threatening if not treated right away; however, people rarely succumb to a gallbladder attack and if you are treated immediately, you are almost guaranteed to survive. Typically, the treatment involves the removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy).

But what are the symptoms of a gallbladder attack? What are some common signs of gallbladder issues? Let’s take a look.

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Causes of Gallbladder Attacks

There are a lot of different possible causes of gallbladder attacks but they can be classified into two categories. They include:

Blockages. These are the most common causes of gallbladder attacks. Typically, blockages are caused by gallstones but they can also be caused by cysts, abscesses, or even tumors.

Inflammation (cholecystitis). Most cases of gallbladder inflammation are due to blockages, however some cases are caused by a perforated gallbladder, an autoimmune disease known as primary sclerosing cholangitis, or a bacterial infection.

Signs & Symptoms of a Gallbladder Attack

The most common symptoms of a gallbladder attack are:

  • Upper abdominal pain. It can occur in the upper right or in the center, but typically this pain is persistent and doesn’t go away after a few hours. Many patients have described this pain in different ways, from a sharp stabbing pain, to a dull ache, or to a crampy feeling. This pain can also extend into the chest and into the shoulders and back.
  • Pain that gets worse after eating a meal.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Generally, fever will rule out gastroenteritis but it won’t rule out a bacterial infection.
  • Light-colored stools.
  • Dark-colored urine, almost like the color of tea.

Generally, one or two of these symptoms on their own are not sufficient to suspect a gallbladder attack. Abdominal pain and nausea can have any number of explanations. But if you notice several of these symptoms happening at the same time, seek urgent care treatment.

The below symptoms are much more serious, and if you experience them, seek immediate treatment:

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • High fever (above 100 F)
  • Jaundice (skin and eyes take on a pale yellow color)

If you suspect you’re having a gallbladder attack, seek immediate treatment. It could save your life.

ALO Bariatrics is a provider of bariatric surgery in Tijuana. Procedures include gastric sleeve in Tijuana Mexico, gastric bypass Mexico, and gastric balloon in Mexico. In Mexico, you can get these procedures done for a fraction of the cost compared to the US.

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