Hospital Stay After Bariatric Surgery

Hospital Stay After Bariatric Surgery

Are you planning to undergo bariatric surgery? You likely have questions about the procedure and its aftermath. One of the common queries we get from patients involves a gastric sleeve hospital stay. Interested to know? In this guide, we will provide you with insights into various factors affecting your post-surgery hospital stay and the average recovery timelines.  

Pain and Discomfort

After bariatric surgery, it is normal to experience a degree of discomfort or generalized body pain. You might also notice moderate bleeding, swelling, and pain around the incision site. To ensure your well-being during these crucial initial hours, our dedicated postoperative team closely monitors these factors. We will closely monitor bleeding, swelling, and pain levels. If there is an increase in any of these symptoms, it is only prudent to extend your bariatric surgery hospital stay for another 24 hours. 

Postoperative Bowel Movement

One aspect of post-bariatric surgery recovery that often surprises patients is the importance of a successful postoperative bowel movement. This seemingly routine bodily function can play a significant role in determining your gastric bypass surgery hospital stay.

Medical professionals closely watch gastrointestinal performance as a recovery marker after bariatric surgery. Consequently, our healthcare team may extend your gastric sleeve surgery hospital stay until you have had a successful postoperative bowel movement. This ensures your body is returning to normal function.

The Average Recovery Timelines

So, how long do you stay in hospital after gastric sleeve? Typically, patients spend about two to three days in the hospital before they can return home. During this time, medical professionals monitor your initial recovery closely and ensure everything is going to plan. 

Once you are back home, plan to take approximately one to two weeks off from work to focus on healing. After this initial recovery period, most patients can resume work. If the recovery is on course, you can gradually start increasing your activity levels 3–5 weeks post-surgery. You will fully recover from bariatric surgery in approximately six months, especially if you adhere to medical advice and maintain good postoperative care.

Read More: Grocery Shopping Following Weight Loss Surgery

Get in Touch With Our Bariatric Team

Are you looking to undergo weight loss surgery in Tijuana? Our experienced bariatric surgeons at ALO Bariatrics are ready to answer any questions you have. We will advise you on the ideal surgery and everything you need to know about the procedure. Get in touch with us to explore your surgical options.

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Bariatric Surgeries

Looking to lose weight? ALO Bariatrics offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical weight loss treatment plans. Contact us today at (619) 653-6739.