Causes And Solutions For A Stomach Ulcer After Gastric Bypass Surgery

A Person Suffering From Stomach Ulcer After Gastric Bypass

Creating better overall health is the goal when performing Mexico gastric bypass surgery here at ALO Bariatrics. And the reality is that after gastric bypass, ulcer formation is not unheard of.

Like with any surgery, you will have a recovery and adjustment period. This is to be expected. But how do you deal with the discomfort temporarily, and what causes ulcers after gastric bypass surgery in the first place?

That’s exactly what we’ll cover below. So keep reading. And you’ll be prepared to handle any inconveniences with poise after your operation.

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What Is An Ulcer?

Ulcers are a type of sore in the lining of your stomach that can create various instances of pain and discomfort. They can occur after bariatric surgery, and should be treated when identified.

Medications, diet changes, and other treatments are common ways to heal ulcers. If left unchecked, they can create a hole in your stomach lining and cause further complications.

While ulcer occurrence only happens in a small minority of bariatric patients, it is still worth understanding in order to identify signs and proper treatment early.

Signs Of An Ulcer After Gastric Bypass

The first step in handling an ulcer is understanding what it feels like and the signs associated with it. Let’s take a look at some common warning signs:

Identifying An Ulcer Post-Gastric Bypass: Symptoms To Watch

Common signs of ulcers are primarily abdominal pain in the area beneath your breast bone, as well as food intolerance. For example, you might find that eating certain foods, like spicy or acidic ingredients, makes you feel uncomfortable.

A relatively quick and minimally invasive endoscopy can help identify whether or not you have an ulcer, as well as proper treatment.

Achieve Your Goal Weight Sooner Rather Than Later

In life, timing is never perfect. Still, there are always things we can do to speed up our results. Luckily, when it comes to weight loss surgery, you’re already getting a strategy that is proven to cut years and years of struggle into a few months.

That doesn’t mean you can simply eat whatever you want and avoid the consequences. Knowing what causes ulcers and how to take care of yourself will be paramount in your journey.

Before you know it, you will be able to reintroduce food and things back into your diet and avoid the kind of acidity and other ulcer symptoms that we mentioned above. So reach out today and let’s begin that journey together.

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Bariatric Surgeries

Looking to lose weight? ALO Bariatrics offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical weight loss treatment plans. Contact us today at (619) 653-6739.