Calcium For Bariatric Surgery: Why It Matters

Calcium For Bariatric Surgery: Why It Matters

After bariatric surgery in Mexico, you need to take your health and lifestyle changes seriously. After all, having your operation is just the first step in a lifelong commitment to keeping the weight off and being healthy.

That being said, calcium is an important aspect for bariatric patients, but you might be wondering why that’s true. So let’s talk about why calcium is so important after bariatric surgery. That way you can prepare yourself in the best way possible post-operation.

Why Calcium Is So Important?

Calcium is an alkaline substance. In other words, your body must have this in order to stay alive. Most of the calcium in your body will be present in your teeth and bones.

Only about 1% of calcium is found in your nerve cells, blood, and body tissue. However, there is more calcium in your body than any other mineral. So it’s essential that you keep your levels correct.

The Effects Of Calcium

Calcium is especially important after weight loss surgery. It helps your body reproduce, grow, and stay healthy. It affects muscle contractions, hormone secretion, blood vessels, and your nervous system.

Like most nutrition, calcium can be consumed via the food you eat or supplements that you may take. However, your body will absorb nutrients differently after bariatric surgery. It may not be able to absorb as high of a level of nutrients as before.

That’s why it’s important to minimize any calcium deficiency you may be experiencing. Howevver, the best calcium for bariatric patients may depend on your situation. So consult a doctor to understand which supplement or foods you should consume.

Plus, read this post for more information on vitamins to consume after your bariatric surgery.

Bariatric Surgery And Calcium Deficiency

Crohn’s disease, menopause, and alcohol can all contribute to calcium deficiency. So too can bariatric surgery.

Your stomach will be reduced, therefore you may eat less, including calcium and other minerals. That’s why it’s important to consider calcium supplementation.

How Much Calcium Should A Bariatric Patient Take?

So how much calcium does a bariatric patient need? You should consume between 1,000 and 2,000 mg of calcium citrate every day. Taking around 2-3 calcium supplements of 500 mg each is better than taking one supplement all at once.

Reach Out For Bariatric Surgery Consultations Today

At ALO Bariatrics, we take pride in helping patients achieve their weight and overall health goals. You deserve to look and feel how you want to.

So restore the energy and vitality you had in your early 20s yet again. Reach out today learn more about your options for weight loss surgery in Mexico now. From questions about how much calcium after bariatric surgery to consume, to how to recover quickly, we can help.

Picture of Bariatric Surgeries
Bariatric Surgeries

Looking to lose weight? ALO Bariatrics offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical weight loss treatment plans. Contact us today at (619) 653-6739.