Bloating After Gastric Bypass And Gastric Sleeve: What You Need To Know

Bloating After Gastric Bypass And Gastric Sleeve: What You Need To Know

Bariatric surgery to treat obesity has numerous health benefits. However, any kind of operation will come with side effects and challenges.

You may end up feeling bloated after gastric sleeve in several days or weeks as you’re recovering. One side effect to keep in mind is potential swelling around your stomach area. Abdominal pain, cramps, and bloating are common symptoms.

Luckily, these symptoms typically go away on their own with time. And there are some methods you can take to reduce their effect during your recovery process. So let’s talk about stomach bloat after surgery and what to do about it.

Read More: What To Expect During The Recovery Process

How Long Does Bloating Last After A Bariatric Surgery?

Depending on your unique circumstances, bloating can last for a few weeks up to a few months. In very rare instances, it can occur for up to one year. Acid reflux, lactose intolerance, and other health issues may increase your risk of bloating after your weight loss surgery.

How To Get Rid Of Bloating After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The best way to relieve gas and bloating is to get moving. You can try stretching, dancing, walking, and other low-impact activities. Even standing upright pushes the gas out of the body.

Another method is to lie down and place a heating pad on your stomach. This can relieve the pressure in your abdomen. Your doctor may be able to prescribe you pain medication to relieve your discomfort from bloating. Of course, consult with your surgeon to ensure it’s safe to consume any kind of medication after your procedure.

Additional Methods To Relieve Bloating After Bariatric Surgery

Avoid Carbonated Beverages

This can include soda, beer, or anything else with carbonation. Additionally, avoid chewing gum and straws. These create extra air in your stomach and cause bloating.

Drink A Lot Of Liquids

The more water you drink, the better the gasses will move through your system quickly.

Don’t Eat Too Much Food

The more food you eat, the more bloating symptoms you’ll experience. Also chew your food slowly so that your digestive system can catch up and avoid excess gas.

Stay Away From Ultra-High Fiber Foods

These can create bloating pains and gas. Foods to eat to relieve bloating after weight loss surgery include banana, cilantro, ginger, paya, fennel, peppermint, and kiwi. Some foods to avoid that cause bloating are: dairy, beans, cabbage, onions, and brussel sprouts.

Potential Causes Of Bloating

Bloating may be a natural symptom as you’re recovering. However, you may be experiencing bowel bacterial growth.

Additionally, dumping syndrome is another cause of bloating. So if you’re experiencing any bloating or cramping symptoms, reach out to your doctor immediately.

Summary: Is It Normal To Be Bloated After Surgery?

Feeling bloated after gastric sleeve? Speak with a doctor right away. If you’re considering or have undergone bariatric surgery in Mexico, then reach out to ALO Bariatrics today.

Our doctors provide a variety of procedures and recovery roadmaps for your bariatric surgery needs. And our surgeons guide you from beginning to end to achieve a healthier, lighter you.

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Bariatric Surgeries

Looking to lose weight? ALO Bariatrics offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical weight loss treatment plans. Contact us today at (619) 653-6739.