Beginning ½ hour before a meal and 45 minutes after a meal, drink water and other no calorie or sugar-free, non-carbonated beverages in between meals.

8:00 am
½ Hard-boiled egg, mashed and seasoned
½ cup pureed apple sauce
¼ cup high protein oatmeal


1 packet protein supplement

12:00 noon –
½ cup pureed breast of chicken (no skin, baked, broiled or grilled)
½ cup sugar free pudding (high protein)

½ cup low-fat or non-fat yogurt
¼ cup blended homemade cooked fruit or very ripe banana

5:00 pm
¼ cup pureed pork or fish with fat-free broth
¼ cup pureed cooked green beans
¼ cup cooked squash
1 teaspoon olive oil

½ cup pureed non-fat cottage cheese or tofu
½ cup fruit juice or pureed cooked fruit


In between meals, drink at least 6-8 cups of water and any other no calorie or sugar-free, non-carbonated beverages.

  • EAT 6 small liquid, and blended meals each day, but add one solid food item at one meal the first day. Add one more solid food item each day.
  • AVOID all raw fruit and vegetables, nuts, popcorn, pickles, olives or relishes.
  • RECORD all new foods and any problems you have with them in a food diary and let your doctor know of any problems or questions you may have.
  • CHEW your food very well before swallowing. The consistency of the food should be liked mashed potatoes. Make sure that each bite is very small (as if you were feeding a baby) and continue to eat small amounts slowly. Eat about 2 Tablespoons over 10-15 minutes.
  • CONTINUE to take your multiple vitamins, calcium supplements, iron and B12 supplement as directed.
  • DRINK at least 6 cups (48 ounces) of water and other low/no calorie fluids between meals.
  • AVOID beverages that have alcohol or caffeine and those that are carbonated.
  • REMEMBER, don’t use a straw or chew gum


But don’t take our word for it. Hear what our past patients have to say about how their lives have changes since their surgeries.

Pateint - Bishop Tyear

“Many people decide that just beginning the process of change is too much effort. I’m so glad that I chose to make a change and transform my life. I pray this inspires you. It’s not where you came from, it’s about how adamant and focused you are that’s really important. Thanks to my doctor and a very special friend who introduced me to my new life. I am forever grateful to Dr. Alejandro López.”

Bishop Tyear
Pateint - Jessica Jalovec
“I had my gastric sleeve May 5, 2014. I’ve lost 95 pounds and couldn’t be happier! Thank you so much Dr. López! You’re an amazing doctor! I had a great experience and am so glad I chose you!” “
Jessica Jalovec
Pateint - Michelle Bueno
“Three (3) years ago I decided to make a change in my life.. It wasn’t just a physical transformation but it turned out to be more than that. Now I’m in my own skin. The insecurities I used to have, that used to prevent me from being the person I really was, all along are now gone. I’ve definitely bloomed!! I sure have changed! I’m ME now and enjoying life to the fullest!!” “
Michelle Bueno