Meet Dr. Alejandro Ríos

Dr. Alejandro Ríos - Internist

Dr. Alejandro Ríos


Dr. Alejandro Rios received his medical degree from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua in 1985. Dr. Rios performed a year of research at the Methodist Hospital in Houston.

He decided to continue his education in Chicago, where he received his specialty in internal medicine, then studied pneumology, intensive therapy, and sleep at the University of Illinois. As part of his continuing medical education, he attended the American Thoracic Society and the Congress of Intensive Therapy.

He is a member of the Society of Internist Physicians from Jalisco and the Mexican Society of Intensive Therapy. Once he finished his specialties, he moved to Puerto Vallarta in 2000 and currently serves as Head of the Emergency Department of San Javier Marina and Hospital San Javier Riviera.

He teaches at the University Center of the Coast, on the faculty of Propaedeutic and Pneumology. Much of his practice is magnanimous, offering his services to patients from the Regional Hospital, or low-income patients, offering them his services free of charge. His greatest joy as a physician is contributing to the recovery of his patients.